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Colorful eyelashes for summer

Colorful eyelashes for summer

Almost every woman in the world puts mascara on her lashes every single day. It is most often kind of a daily ritual. Sometimes even happens that women cannot imagine leaving the house without mascara on their lashes. This is an indispensable part of makeup, both evening and every day. Most often, we reach for mascara in black. It is the most popular one, and it makes us feel better and safe. We are used to watching black mascara everywhere around us. In TV commercials, on billboards and the internet. That is why many women do not take into account a different colour. However, sometimes it would be worth it to change something.

What colours of mascara can you choose from? What colours of mascara will fit perfectly into every day, and what in the evening styling? And what to do so that the coloured mascara does not look tacky on the eyelashes? You will find all the answers below. We will tell you the best way to put your mascara on so that the colours of the ink play the first fiddle is.

Color mascara-what choice do you have?

Nowadays, you don't have to spend hours looking for colourful mascara. The only thing you need is a computer with an Internet connection. In the offer of online (as well as stationary!) drugstores, you will find many different colours of mascara. The choice is up to you and depends on the colour of your eyes, as well as on the occasion for which you plan to do this colourful and outstanding makeup. For dark, hazel eyes, we suggest choosing purple mascara. Thanks to this choice, the colour of your eyes will acquire a unique depth. If you have blue eyes, green mascara will work best, and vice versa-for ladies with green eyes, we recommend you decide on brown or blue mascara. However, it is not the only way you can use colourful mascaras. If you feel like using green mascara and at first glance, it doesn't fit your eyes' colour – there is nothing else to do to try it out.

Below we have prepared some practical tips on how to apply coloured mascara and what to do to prolong its durability and intensity. Check and put on intense eye makeup (eyelashes only!) for both day and evening. You'll make a wow effect wherever you go. Interested? Keep reading.

What to do to make the colour mascara more intense?

When applying coloured mascara, remember a few rules, thanks to which the colour will be more intense. After all, if you dare to put on such a modern accent, it is worth everyone to notice it. You don't want to have a shade of colour on your eyelashes, but the full colour and an amazing effect.

  •      The first step is to choose a good quality coloured mascara that will not fall off after a few hours. You may find colourful mascaras in our shop, and there are various colours to choose from.
  •      In addition, you should invest in the base. It will make your eyelashes a little longer than natural, and it will increase the intensity of coloured ink. It doesn't make your lashes look artificial, and it is very safe for your eyes, so give it a try.
  •      If you normally only need one layer of mascara, you can bet on two for coloured ones. Thanks to this, the pigment will accumulate better in one place, and therefore the final result will be much more interesting.
  •      To make your colourful eyelashes look better, you should not add any colour to your eyelid. This way, the only colourful accent of your eye makeup will be colourful mascara.

Advice to make your colourful mascara look better

Suppose coloured mascara is associated with the old times and with the fashion that has already passed – nothing more wrong. However, if you want to avoid a cheesy effect on the eye, we have a super tip for you. If you decide to paint your eyelashes with coloured mascara (no matter what colour you choose), remember that this is the only colour accent of your makeup. Give up applying any colourful lipsticks or lip-glosses on your lips with intense colour. Put on lipstick or nude gloss. Thanks to this, you will no longer be kitschy but only raise the iris of the eye.

If you are a little bit brave, you can also try to apply colourful mascara only on your own eyelashes. This way, your makeup will have a little twist, noticeable only for very careful people. It is also a great idea to make yourself feel comfortable with colourful mascaras. If you want to make friends with them, you should definitely start your journey this summer. Summer is the best possible time to put colourful mascaras on. They will make your makeup look fresh and unforgettable.

There is a tip that you can try to adjust the colour of your mascara to your outfit. If you wear violet shoes or bags, you may put violet mascara on your eyelashes as well. It will be very fashionable, and you will look trendy. Remember not to apply too many cosmetics on your face during the summer. It will only make your skin look oily and not fresh. And that is definitely not the effect that you desire.