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Hand Lotion, Cream & Serum - What's The Difference?

Hand Lotion, Cream & Serum - What's The Difference?

Hands are the part of the body that you pay attention to first. For this reason, they should be neat - smooth and soft. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a good hand cosmetic. Drugstores offer us various options: hand lotions, hand creams and serum. How are they all different? How to choose the perfect hand cosmetic?

Skin of the hands

The skin of the hands is slightly different from the skin on the face or body. First of all, it is much thinner and therefore very delicate. It also shows great sensitivity to harmful external factors, such as pollution and aggressive weather conditions (hot and cold air, UV rays and wind). We also expose it many times to contact with detergents and soaps, which often dry the skin. Hand care should take into account each of these causes of poor skin condition. Provide it with protection against dryness, dehydration, roughness, cracking, irritation, redness and even discoloration, to which delicate hand skin is particularly exposed. A good moisturizing cosmetic is necessary for this. However, what to choose? Balm? Cream? Or maybe a serum?

Hand balms – what it is?

Hand balms are new to the cosmetics market. The balm is a cosmetic that allows you to replenish defects in the hydrolipid layer of the skin. In the classic edition they have a delicate, fluid consistency, so they are quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy film on the skin. So they are perfect in the summer, when under the influence of temperature, heavy cosmetics brew on the skin, causing an unpleasant feeling of stickiness. In the hot weather, products with a mild gel structure are an excellent solution. The undoubted advantages of balms include their lightness and speed of absorption. Applying them, e.g. after each hand washing, you will ensure optimal hydration of the skin during the day, without worrying that the applied product will remain on your hands for a long time or leave a greasy film on them. The beneficial effect of the lotion on the skin depends on its composition.

Hand cream – protective barrier

One of the most important functions of hand cream is penetrating deep into the skin. Surface effects only temporarily and very superficially cares for the skin. It can be soft and smooth on the outside, but when the cream does not reach its internal structures, sooner or later, the skin of the hands will show it. Therefore, when choosing a good hand cream, make sure that it regenerates or rebuilds the skin's protective barrier. This layer is located on the epidermis and is responsible for protecting the skin against potential hazards. Hand cream should be primarily moisturizing. While this function will be fulfilled, the likelihood that other, below-mentioned properties of a good cream will also be guaranteed increases. The most effective moisturizing ingredients found in hand creams are: aloe, glycerin, green tea, coenzyme Q10, avocado and borage oil, shea butter, vitamins. In addition to moisturizing substances, valuable are those that protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors. These include, among others: beeswax, grape seed extract and vitamin C. In addition, a good hand care cream is one that protects the skin from sunlight. These can cause redness, burns, discoloration and accelerate skin aging. The protective UV cream filter allows you to enjoy the benefits of the sun, limiting its negative impact on the delicate skin of your hands. We use the cream in the morning before leaving the house and it should be enough for us all day.

Serum – concentrate for beauty

Serum is a highly concentrated cosmetic preparation. It is characterized by a higher concentration of active substances, and often does not contain water in its composition. Its consistency is light and usually has the form of a gel or emulsion. The use of the serum is to give quick and noticeable effects. The intense and unique effect is caused by the rich and condensed composition of the cosmetic, which can also be enriched with additional ingredients of various effects. The hand serum provides epidermal regeneration, deeply moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin. In addition, it creates a protective coating that protects against external factors - frost, wind, detergents. Thanks to its light consistency it will be quickly absorbed and will not leave oily skin. Then you need to pat the cream, because the highly concentrated active substances contained in the composition of the serum can evaporate from the skin quite quickly, which causes the serum to lose its intensity. The use of this cosmetic depends on the individual needs of the skin. It can be used every day, 2-3 a week, or for treatments lasting several weeks several times a year, when our skin needs it, e.g. after the summer (sun, wind and sea water). It's best to apply the serum at night when skin regeneration occurs. They can also be used in the morning. The choice of the right type of serum depends on the skin type and its current condition.

One? All of them!

As we can see, each of these cosmetics is really different, so their use should depend on the condition of our hands. It is therefore worth stocking each of them and apply depending on your needs.