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Self-tanner - an effective and safe way to a beautiful tan

Self-tanner - an effective and safe way to a beautiful tan

Tanned skin is desired by many women and men around the world. People love to be tanned, because they look more attractive, less tired and their general appearance improves. However, taking into consideration the fact that exposing yourself to the sun isn’t healthy for your body. There is a huge risk of causing cancer which is why we shouldn’t stay longer in the sun. However, don’t worry. There is a way to have brown skin throughout the year. Self- tanner can save your life or at least your well-being. We will tell you what kind of self-tanner to choose, how to apply it and what is the way to have a beautiful sun tan for longer. Read the article and find out.

How and when to apply self-tanner?

Self-tan can be used all year round. That is why so many both women and men love it. Regardless of the weather outside the window, fragments of our skin come out from behind the materials of our clothes. In this regard, it is worth it to ensure that it is presented flawlessly, healthy and as after returning from a foreign holiday. It is worth applying self-tanner even in winter, without fear of dirty clothes.

To apply self-tanner you need gloves and self-tanning products. That’s all. You don’t need some special equipment. Gloves will protect your hands from getting tanned. And self-tanner in a given color will make your skin look fresh and glow. It is important to apply it evenly not to make any streaks on your skin. And that’s all. You need to wait a bit for self-tanner to start working on your skin’s surface and you can go, conquer the world.

What self-tanner to choose?

There are a lot of self-tanners available nowadays. That is why it is difficult to choose the best one. One of the options is foam self-tanner. This one is the most effective and easy to use. By everyone, even if you don’t have any experience in self-tanning. There are also liquid self-tanners. They are effective as well, however the process of application is quite difficult. If you have never tried self-tanning, it is not the best option for you. There are also self-tanners in cream. They are extremely easy to use, because you apply them the same as traditional body balms, however they won’t make your skin tan in a similar way as after vacation. The final effect is lighter than with foam or liquid tanners.

A trick to make your self-tan stay longer on your skin

Preparation of the skin before applying a self-tan is the most important point of the whole process in addition to choosing a self-tanner. First of all, take care of the hydration of the body, so that your skin will present itself much better. With or without a tan. However, the skin, which is hydrated from the inside, is taut and better absorbs the cosmetics applied to it. So start by drinking water (min. 2 liters per day), and you will quickly see the effects, thanks to which not only the tan will make you happier.

Plus, exfoliation counts! And as you know, there are many ways to do this:

  1. Coarse-grained peels-for normal skin, which requires exfoliation of dead skin, but is not sensitive. For skin that is delicate and tends to crack, coarse-grained peeling may be too intense.
  2. Fine-grained peels will work perfectly for people whose skin is susceptible to all kinds of gifts. Thanks to the fact that the scrub is composed of fine grains, it does not irritate the skin. And the oils contained in it will make your skin not only exfoliated, but also perfectly nourished.
  3. Bath gloves-this is a great idea for people who are being treated. To care for the skin and exfoliate it before applying a self-tan, you need nothing but a body wash gel. Just hang these gloves in the shower and put them on before you start bathing. Your skin will be smooth and you will improve its blood circulation.
  4. Dry brush-like gloves, the dry brush does not require any additional cosmetics. Just grab a brush in your hand and do yourself a short massage before taking a bath.